I love network marketing! I also love to be at home and try to be here most of the time. I am raising three boys alongside my husband of 14 years.
I do work out of the house a few hours a week when I am meeting with clients. However, usually a short commute takes me to my basement, where I run a small bookeeping service. I work from home so I can be here with my children.
You're a mom yourself or you wouldn't be here! I applaud you! You ARE doing a good job, and yes, mom, you are too hard on yourself. Love, love love - THAT'S what they'll remember! We do our best, God fills in the blanks.
Perhaps you're interested in joining an on-line business, or would simply like to connect with another stay-at-home mom. You've come to the right place. Here you will find another mother's journey, stories about my kids, and how it all ties into working from home.
I'm glad you're here! Please visit often!
My kids' mom,
Sara Peters
I do work out of the house a few hours a week when I am meeting with clients. However, usually a short commute takes me to my basement, where I run a small bookeeping service. I work from home so I can be here with my children.
You're a mom yourself or you wouldn't be here! I applaud you! You ARE doing a good job, and yes, mom, you are too hard on yourself. Love, love love - THAT'S what they'll remember! We do our best, God fills in the blanks.
Perhaps you're interested in joining an on-line business, or would simply like to connect with another stay-at-home mom. You've come to the right place. Here you will find another mother's journey, stories about my kids, and how it all ties into working from home.
I'm glad you're here! Please visit often!
My kids' mom,
Sara Peters
I look forward to reading how you balance your kids with working from home. How do you stay focused?
Keep checking my blog, and you'll find out! :)
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