Friday, October 24, 2008

I wanted to make a lot of money – FAST!

I started searching for (and falling for) any and every “get-rich-quick” scheme I came across. (OK, maybe not all of them). But I did lose money time and again. I spent hours and hours searching, reading, worrying – you know the drill.

I finally came across one that had me dancing! I was going to be RICH, and in very short order! I lost no time convincing my entire family and all my friends to get in on this! We also lost no time in losing our money – some of us, a LOT of money - hard earned money.

Before, it was just ME losing money on these lousy programs. Now, my family was hurting. And that hurt me. Wow, talk about feeling responsible. No one blamed me, and for that I’m grateful. However, I began to take a long hard look at what I was doing. What was I searching for?

My motive for getting family and friends to join was pure. I wanted to help them – truly help them. I wanted to see them succeed and enjoy all the blessings that I felt they deserved! My motive was right – but I was searching for and using all the wrong tools.

I took a deep breath and decided I was no longer jumping on every band wagon. Deep research and thoughtful questions were going to precede my next business decision. I was really slow at getting into my next venture, and I sponsored no one, on purpose. “Not saying a word till I’m confident and making money.”

I’m happy to say that program is still making me money every day, although it is slow. I just keep the tortoise and the hare in mind, though. After mastering this program, reading every page and completely understanding it, then – and only then – I was ready to find the next vehicle to financial independence.

I wasn’t even looking for it, when it fell into my lap (continued)

My kids' mom,
Sara Peters

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