When I first started in network marketing, my biggest concern was driving traffic to my website. How was I going to achieve this? How would people find me amongst millions of other websites? What would make me stand out? After all, without traffic, who are you going to pitch your business to?
I've learned something since then. If I drove traffic to my website and didn't know what to do with my leads, what good did that do me? I was scared to death of calling strangers who had opted into my site!
I decided I needed to take a step back and start at the beginning. I began to search for training that would teach me, not only how to draw people to me, but the RIGHT kind of people for my business. Then, once I picked up the phone, I needed to know what to say.
I suggest to YOU, start at the beginning and learn Magnetic Sponsoring. Drawing people to you that are like minded and teachable. The BEST resource I have found to start with is the Magnetic Sponsoring course by Mike Dillard.
Don't just take my word for it. I have 7 free videos for you that have been done by Mike Dillard that will begin your education on the right track.
Download them here.
My Kids' Mom
Sara Peters
I've learned something since then. If I drove traffic to my website and didn't know what to do with my leads, what good did that do me? I was scared to death of calling strangers who had opted into my site!
I decided I needed to take a step back and start at the beginning. I began to search for training that would teach me, not only how to draw people to me, but the RIGHT kind of people for my business. Then, once I picked up the phone, I needed to know what to say.
I suggest to YOU, start at the beginning and learn Magnetic Sponsoring. Drawing people to you that are like minded and teachable. The BEST resource I have found to start with is the Magnetic Sponsoring course by Mike Dillard.
Don't just take my word for it. I have 7 free videos for you that have been done by Mike Dillard that will begin your education on the right track.
Download them here.
My Kids' Mom
Sara Peters
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