Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Human Connection

I like meeting people on-line. You connect with people from across the world you never would have met otherwise. Then you find out you have so much in common. That’s a great feeling, connecting with another human being.

I guess I was looking for a group of people I could connect with, that could help me network. Month after month of searching for an opportunity, I felt so alone, you know? No one to ask advice. Who do I trust? What should I look for? What’s real? What’s a scam? Is everything a scam?

Then I met Rick. He offered to help me! He didn’t even know I needed help, yet there he was. Offering me an opportunity to get into business. Offering to pay for start-up fees. Providing me with a ready-made downline! “What is this?”, I thought! Well, at the worst, it’s a scam, at the best – well, I BETTER not let this one get away!

I’m so glad I joined Changing The World 2gether. It really IS a team effort – and I learned that even I have something to contribute – every single one of us does – YOU do!

We need you on our team! In just three weeks, we grew to 300 members all promoting one website. We're not fighting each other for a downline. When someone joins, it’s a victory for ALL of us.

Most recently, you’ll find us in USA Today – this business is going big, and it’s going fast! I’m so glad I got in at the grassroots level. It’s been amazing to watch this thing grow. We have people on our team that are marketing experts, people that train us how to blog, traffic exchange volunteers, copywriters and more! Normally, you’d have to do ALL of this ALL by yourself! How long would it take YOU to build your team to 300 by YOURSELF!? I’m telling you, Changing The World Together is the way to go – with an entire team growing your business.

Don’t get me wrong – you don’t sit around and do nothing – we need everyone to do something! Everyone has value.

I’d like to meet YOU, and see your name on our team. Who knows, maybe we’ll connect in a way you never thought possible.

Divided, we fall, but TOGETHER … Together we stand, and change the world, one by one!

My Kids Mom,

Sara Peters


1 comment:

Video Eze said...

I agree that working on a team makes building a business easier. I would even go so far as to say, it makes it doable.

Thank you Changing the World.