My Kids' mom,
Sara Peters
We're going places ... hop on for the ride!
If you're new to my blog, I would like to introduce you to a new and amazing business opportunity with a concept you won’t have seen before. The Business I am talking about is called Changing the World Together.
The man behind this system is Rick Meywes. Rick set up this business with a main goal.
Our goal is for you to be able to quit your job, send your kids to college, pay off the mortgage, purchase a new car or dream house, travel to places you’ve dreamed about, invest in gold, silver, and real estate. Most importantly you have an opportunity to secure your retirement and leave a legacy to your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
Everyone in this business promotes the main site not an affiliate link. New members are placed in the team by Rick. This means we are building one big team. You will get people placed below you whether you can recruit or not.
Once you join you get invited to the Changing the world together Social site. Everyone who joins CTWT is a member. Here we talk about the business and we communicate with each other and discuss methods of building the business for EVERYONE’S success. We don’t promote other businesses unless it benefits CTWT.
Everyone works together. We have some people who design banners, some write articles, others work on the website. Different people do different things. Everyone chips in and helps where they can.
I work with other businesses and I am doing well with them but this really is something special. I joined this team and have never seen anything like it!! There are people from all over the world working together to build a successful business.
I can’t recommend this business enough, it really is amazing!! I urge you to visit our site and learn more. You can even call Rick and talk to him. Just leave your phone number if you want. Rick or someone from the team will get back to you shortly! We really are changing the world together ... one person at a time! I'm so excited to be a part of this opportunity!
My Kids' Mom,
Sara Peters
I like meeting people on-line. You connect with people from across the world you never would have met otherwise. Then you find out you have so much in common. That’s a great feeling, connecting with another human being.
I guess I was looking for a group of people I could connect with, that could help me network. Month after month of searching for an opportunity, I felt so alone, you know? No one to ask advice. Who do I trust? What should I look for? What’s real? What’s a scam? Is everything a scam?
Then I met Rick. He offered to help me! He didn’t even know I needed help, yet there he was. Offering me an opportunity to get into business. Offering to pay for start-up fees. Providing me with a ready-made downline! “What is this?”, I thought! Well, at the worst, it’s a scam, at the best – well, I BETTER not let this one get away!
I’m so glad I joined Changing The World 2gether. It really IS a team effort – and I learned that even I have something to contribute – every single one of us does – YOU do!
We need you on our team! In just three weeks, we gre
Most recently, you’ll find us in USA Today – this business is going big, and it’s going fast! I’m so glad I got in at the grassroots level. It’s been amazing to watch this thing grow. We have people on our team that are marketing experts, people that train us how to blog, traffic exchange volunteers, copywriters and more! Normally, you’d have to do
Don’t get me wrong – you don’t sit around and do nothing – we need everyone to do something! Everyone has value.
I’d like to meet YOU, and see your name on our team. Who knows, maybe we’ll connect in a way you never thought possible.
Divided, we fall, but TOGETHER … Together we stand, and change the world, one by one!
My Kids Mom,
Sara Peters
Mothering is the hardest thing I’ve ever done – it’s also the most rewarding.
Just today, my 8 year old called from school at the end of the day – he’d received detention – for the second day in a row. Yesterday a student decided to “give” my son a pile of mud – in his locker! Well, being the problem solver that he his, Bryan decided to give something back. He promptly proceeded to pick up that pile of mud and throw it back at the “giver”. Unfortunately, he missed, and ended up giving the school wall a brand new look.
Ahhh children – the spice of life! Long ago my husband and I decided I would try to stay home while raising pre-school children and he would work full-time. The two oldest are now in school, but I still stay home with my four-year-old.
What does this look like? For starters, three years ago I began my own bookkeeping business that I run from my home office. However, this limits my income to the number of hours I have in a day. The children are growing, and so expenses are growing too.
I am an avid “surfer” and began to notice that many, MANY people seemed to be making a decent living on-line. Some of them were making an incredible income. I figured, if they could learn how, why not me?
So I began a new journey … (to be continued)
My Kids' Mom,
Sara Peters
I started searching for (and falling for) any and every “get-rich-quick” scheme I came across. (OK, maybe not all of them). But I did lose money time and again. I spent hours and hours searching, reading, worrying – you know the drill.
I finally came across one that had me dancing! I was going to be RICH, and in very short order! I lost no time convincing my entire family and all my friends to get in on this! We also lost no time in losing our money – some of us, a LOT of money - hard earned money.
Before, it was just ME losing money on these lousy programs. Now, my family was hurting. And that hurt me. Wow, talk about feeling responsible. No one blamed me, and for that I’m grateful. However, I began to take a long hard look at what I was doing. What was I searching for?
My motive for getting family and friends to join was pure. I wanted to help them – truly help them. I wanted to see them succeed and enjoy all the blessings that I felt they deserved! My motive was right – but I was searching for and using all the wrong tools.
I took a deep breath and decided I was no longer jumping on every band wagon. Deep research and thoughtful questions were going to precede my next business decision. I was really slow at getting into my next venture, and I sponsored no one, on purpose. “Not saying a word till I’m confident and making money.”
I’m happy to say that program is still making me money every day, although it is slow. I just keep the tortoise and the hare in mind, though. After mastering this program, reading every page and completely understanding it, then – and only then – I was ready to find the next vehicle to financial independence.