Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leveraged Residual Income

Very often there is an initial misunderstanding of the way we are paid through our Compensation Plan. Someone might say, "How can I make thousands or millions of dollars by making 10% on a box of nutrition?" Let's take a USD $60 box. That's only $6. That's pretty small. It must take thousands of hours to work to make a few hundred dollars?

How can someone like Randy Gage say that there have been more millionaires in Network Marketing than any other industry to date? What is the "magic" here? What is sometimes missing when someone first sees the plan?

It's Leveraged Residual Income!!!!

-What is Residual Income?

The amount of income that an individual has after all personal debts, including the mortgage, have been paid.

In our program, this income is produced by our autoship program.

Linear income is working for a salary and trading hours for dollars. We "rent" our lives to the boss who is paying us "his going or wholesale rate" for those lives. Residual is the opposite of linear. It is income that is made after doing the initial work and setting a process in motion which continues whether you work or not. Our autoship program is used by both our Preferred Customers and our Team Members which amounts to thousands of people worldwide due to our unique, consumable products.

Now... add Leveraged income to the residual. Leverage is obtained because we are paid on every product ordered by the team of customers and the members in our entire team rather than the few people we have shared with. It's a "consumer network". The network spreads geometrically as "word of mouth" or "relationship marketing.

Robert Kiyosaki writes "The rich build networks and everyone else looks for work." This is due to the leverage of a network. J. Paul Getty says "I would rather earn 1% of a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own." If you or your friends are stressed with too many hours and too little pay or too little time, then you are probably a victim of trying to make the budget with 100% of your own effort and no leverage. In CTWT, we leverage our time and our $$'s.

As I've mentioned before... this is not a traditional sales business. It is "direct marketing" which saves you and I the hassles of storing, shipping, writing receipts, and traditional sales. This is "networking". We are moving the greatest products in world through our distribution networks. This business creates more millionaires than any other industry because of teamwork, leverage, and residual income. No other compensation plan I've seen compares with CTWT. And it works!!! It is a fair, level "playing field" where background, gender, education, nationality, GPA, age, and past successes or failures are virtually unimportant.

In 2 to 4 years time, you can either earn income based on a network of 100 or a network of 10,000. We all have that same opportunity. And the good news is...

Everyone in the team may experience the CTWT Difference first hand. Don't ever underestimate the value of the few years you will put into building this style of income. It pays us for years to come!!!

Thanks to my friend Mark Mooney for letting me share his article.

My kids Mom,
Sara Peters

Monday, January 19, 2009

What does Martin Luther King Jr. Day Mean to Your Kids?

There are ways to teach your kids more about this historic holiday. It's not just another day off from school, but a day to reflect on this man's great contribution to the United States of America, and the whole world.

If your kids love to spend their days "off" in front of the computer as much as mine do, why not send them to the following websites?

  • Fact Monster is packed to the brim with interesting facts about Dr. King. Not only is it easy for kids to navigate, it also offers quizzes and crossword puzzles so that they can test their knowledge.
  • At Scholastic, a slideshow of Benedict Fernandez's photographs of Dr. King take kids back to 1968 with a glimpse into Dr. King's world.
  • Kids hunt down facts about Dr. King in this online scavenger hunt, which might prove to be so much fun that they won't even realize they're learning.
  • Speaking of fun, at Read Write Think, they've created a word mover. Kids can take the words from Dr. King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech and create a poem from it.
  • If you're trying to explain Dr. King's legacy to very young children, here's a slideshow created by elementary students using Kid Pix -- very simple, very colorful, and very basic.
  • Older children, teens, and adults will enjoy this interactive timeline, and this special feature by The Seattle Times is a must-see for anyone who's looking to learn more about Dr. King and his legacy.
Related Links:
MLK events in the Bay area
"Triumph" for foot soldiers of movement
The Moderate Voice

Fun For Kids:
Big Fish Games
PBS Kids

My Kids Mom,
Sara Peters

Thursday, January 8, 2009

THIS Skin Care is Safe and Toxin Free

In our ever-present quest for healthy, youthful looking skin, many of us have been lead to believe that the personal care products we use help the progress of our journey. The startling truth is that these products actually hinder our progress, and could damage our skin health.

With the first-to-market launch of an antioxidant juice made from a unique fruit, a global community was introduced to internal consumption of mangosteen; this created a category. The mangosteen’s dark purple pericarp was actually used traditionally in Southeast Asia to maintain both internal and external health.

Six years after globally introducing this juice, we invite you to catch a glimpse of the future. My company is once again first-to-market, introducing Intuitive Skin Care—a category creator in topical skin nutrition with the mangosteen.

This Intuitive Skin Care represents the perfect convergence of nature, time-honored techniques and advanced, customized technology. It is the culmination of our decades-long pursuit for optimal skin nutrition. This topical nutrition empowers you with nutrient-rich botanicals and rare purity from the mangosteen. The result is a bright, radiant and healthy-looking complexion.

Blessed with the discovery of this fruit by Joe Morton, my company has made a conscious choice ... the choice of not only creating a category, but of doing it the right way.

Like many of you, as a parent and woman, I have made the chemical connection between the harmful toxins in the personal care products we use and potentially devastating diseases, and have chosen to make a change. My company has pledged to do no harm. Our public commitment of signing the Compact for Safe Cosmetics ensures for you performance based mangosteen nutrition, inside and outside, without the use of harmful toxins.

These products provides something better for you, your soul and your small part of the world. It is the catalyst of change ... positive, intentional, and health-conscious change. It represents a fork in the road, the one less traveled, on your journey to health and wellness. As so expressively written by Robert Frost, “I took the road less traveled by and that has made all the difference.”

My Kids' Mom,
Sara Peters

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Green Giveaway Wednesdays!

I found this great new site that does great giveaways every Wednesday! Here's the link:

Tara Burner is an eco friendly green entrepreneur, fitness coach, mom, who doesn't hold back when she has something to blog about. Sit back, relax and enjoy her site!

This week a 4 piece skin care kit is being given away, compliments of Joanne Ott.

Visit to see the products you’re going to be entered to win.

This 4 product kit has a retail value of $200 and includes cleaner, toner, serum and moisturizer. The company boasts that it’s Introducing The World’s First Performance Based, 100% Clean & Green Topical Skin Nutrition Line.
The kit that is being given away is for dry to normal skin; however,they also have products for normal to combination to oily.

100% safe and toxic free, good for all skin types and ages.

This is the first to market product using mangosteen infused oil, and a patent pending BioActive3 Complex, which is a natural anti-inflammatory, is anti-aging and a natural antioxidant.

For best use they recommend all four products be used daily.
The kits contain all four, however individual products will be available for sale later this month.

Good luck!

My Kids Mom,

Sara Peters

Friday, January 2, 2009

What's YOUR Goal for 2009?

The following is a good little bit of wisdom on why writing goals is so useful . .

Top Tip – People become impressively creative in the art of work avoidance when they are asked to do their goals!

Like clearing out the attic or weeding the garden, the more chaos and mess there is, the less you want to do it! The only instruction I can give is to stop procrastinating and just do it!

You’ll be glad you did! People’s main concern is often that the goals they had written were not “right”. There is no such thing as a “right” goal, only what has meaning for you. A goal that is written 70% well is better than no goal at all. Give yourself permission to give it a try, and worry about fine-tuning your goals later.

SMARTness in goals:

The world and his wife generally expect that goals should be SMART. This is stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound and is a useful reminder of how to write a top quality goal.

Here’s what it means…

Specific – your goal should have its expected outcome stated as simply, concisely and explicitly as possible. This answers questions such as; how much, for whom, for what?

Measurable – a measurable goal has an outcome that can be assessed either on a sliding scale (1-10), or as a hit or miss, success or failure.

Achievable – an achievable goal has an outcome that is realistic given your current situation, resources and time available. Goal achievement may be more of a “stretch” if the outcome is tough or you have a weak starting position.

Relevant – a relevant goal should help you on your mission or your “bigger” objectives.

Time-bound – a time-bound goal includes realistic time frames.

Top Tip – You should limit your goals to between 5 and 7 at any one time.

To achieve your goals you have to focus your efforts and attention. As you progress and complete goals, you may add new goals. If you find yourself with more than 7 goals, you are probably writing mini -goals or tasks. Remember to keep your goals focused on a major area of responsibility.

Benefits of personal goal setting:

1)You get out of the rut - you have a clear direction

2)You take control of your life - you can lead others

3)Your actions match your talk - people pick up on your emotional commitment.

4)You focus on the important things - it's like having a grocery list - and sticking to it - keeps you from coming home with more stuff than you needed.

5)You are successful, regardless of what that means to other people -want to give yourself the thrill of a life time? Set a goal and accomplish it. Challenge yourself. Don't worry what others think.

6)Other people understand where you are coming from

The beginning of a new year is a natural time to reflect and set new goals. Take some time now to establish yours and write them down. Then GO FOR IT!!

My Kids' Mom,
Sara Peters