Saturday, March 21, 2009

CTWT Commercial

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Learn to Walk Before You Run

When I first started in network marketing, my biggest concern was driving traffic to my website. How was I going to achieve this? How would people find me amongst millions of other websites? What would make me stand out? After all, without traffic, who are you going to pitch your business to?

I've learned something since then. If I drove traffic to my website and didn't know what to do with my leads, what good did that do me? I was scared to death of calling strangers who had opted into my site!

I decided I needed to take a step back and start at the beginning. I began to search for training that would teach me, not only how to draw people to me, but the RIGHT kind of people for my business. Then, once I picked up the phone, I needed to know what to say.

I suggest to YOU, start at the beginning and learn Magnetic Sponsoring. Drawing people to you that are like minded and teachable. The BEST resource I have found to start with is the Magnetic Sponsoring course by Mike Dillard.

Don't just take my word for it. I have 7 free videos for you that have been done by Mike Dillard that will begin your education on the right track.

Download them here.

My Kids' Mom
Sara Peters

Monday, February 9, 2009

Attend this Wealth Building Seminar!

This night I lay me down to sleep ...

but will it be the sleep of the just or another night spent tossing and turning?

Do you wake up in the morning with a spring in your step or a lead weight around your neck?

Statistics tell us that most of the world's population is suffering financially right now. This has impacted every human endeavour. Jobs are no longer safe. Poverty and living on the bread-line are fast becoming the 'norm'. In short, people of the world are hurting. There is no selection in country, race or creed. No one is immune.

According to Rick Meywes, founder of Changing The World Together, there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.

Rick is planning a series of seminars across the US, aptly named
CTWT's Financial Wealth-Building Seminars. The first seminar launches on February 28th 2009 in Charlotte, NC. The good news is that the seminars will be FREE to the first 200 attendees. After 200 there may be a cost involved and standing room only.

To secure a seat please email Rick at stating the required number of seats for your party. Individuals, of course, are welcome.

Rick stresses that, although the seminar is FREE to attend, its value is PRICELESS. During the seminars, guests will learn how to eliminate 100% of their total debt, including paying off a mortgage and building a serious, monthly, residual income within the next 12 to 18 months.

The benefits include:

*working from home
*spending more quality time with family
*securing retirement
*qualifying for vacations
*earning quarterly bonuses
*creating time and financial freedom

The venue for the 'Maiden Launch of CTWT's seminars on Saturday, February 28th 2009 is at:

Ramada Airport South and Conference Center
212 W. Woodlawn Road
Charlotte, NC 28217
Time : 11am.

NB: There is the possibility of an afternoon seminar, same location, at 2pm.
Please RSVP ASAP if you plan to attend.

Changing The World Together, one person at a time.

My Kids Mom
Sara Peters

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leveraged Residual Income

Very often there is an initial misunderstanding of the way we are paid through our Compensation Plan. Someone might say, "How can I make thousands or millions of dollars by making 10% on a box of nutrition?" Let's take a USD $60 box. That's only $6. That's pretty small. It must take thousands of hours to work to make a few hundred dollars?

How can someone like Randy Gage say that there have been more millionaires in Network Marketing than any other industry to date? What is the "magic" here? What is sometimes missing when someone first sees the plan?

It's Leveraged Residual Income!!!!

-What is Residual Income?

The amount of income that an individual has after all personal debts, including the mortgage, have been paid.

In our program, this income is produced by our autoship program.

Linear income is working for a salary and trading hours for dollars. We "rent" our lives to the boss who is paying us "his going or wholesale rate" for those lives. Residual is the opposite of linear. It is income that is made after doing the initial work and setting a process in motion which continues whether you work or not. Our autoship program is used by both our Preferred Customers and our Team Members which amounts to thousands of people worldwide due to our unique, consumable products.

Now... add Leveraged income to the residual. Leverage is obtained because we are paid on every product ordered by the team of customers and the members in our entire team rather than the few people we have shared with. It's a "consumer network". The network spreads geometrically as "word of mouth" or "relationship marketing.

Robert Kiyosaki writes "The rich build networks and everyone else looks for work." This is due to the leverage of a network. J. Paul Getty says "I would rather earn 1% of a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own." If you or your friends are stressed with too many hours and too little pay or too little time, then you are probably a victim of trying to make the budget with 100% of your own effort and no leverage. In CTWT, we leverage our time and our $$'s.

As I've mentioned before... this is not a traditional sales business. It is "direct marketing" which saves you and I the hassles of storing, shipping, writing receipts, and traditional sales. This is "networking". We are moving the greatest products in world through our distribution networks. This business creates more millionaires than any other industry because of teamwork, leverage, and residual income. No other compensation plan I've seen compares with CTWT. And it works!!! It is a fair, level "playing field" where background, gender, education, nationality, GPA, age, and past successes or failures are virtually unimportant.

In 2 to 4 years time, you can either earn income based on a network of 100 or a network of 10,000. We all have that same opportunity. And the good news is...

Everyone in the team may experience the CTWT Difference first hand. Don't ever underestimate the value of the few years you will put into building this style of income. It pays us for years to come!!!

Thanks to my friend Mark Mooney for letting me share his article.

My kids Mom,
Sara Peters

Monday, January 19, 2009

What does Martin Luther King Jr. Day Mean to Your Kids?

There are ways to teach your kids more about this historic holiday. It's not just another day off from school, but a day to reflect on this man's great contribution to the United States of America, and the whole world.

If your kids love to spend their days "off" in front of the computer as much as mine do, why not send them to the following websites?

  • Fact Monster is packed to the brim with interesting facts about Dr. King. Not only is it easy for kids to navigate, it also offers quizzes and crossword puzzles so that they can test their knowledge.
  • At Scholastic, a slideshow of Benedict Fernandez's photographs of Dr. King take kids back to 1968 with a glimpse into Dr. King's world.
  • Kids hunt down facts about Dr. King in this online scavenger hunt, which might prove to be so much fun that they won't even realize they're learning.
  • Speaking of fun, at Read Write Think, they've created a word mover. Kids can take the words from Dr. King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech and create a poem from it.
  • If you're trying to explain Dr. King's legacy to very young children, here's a slideshow created by elementary students using Kid Pix -- very simple, very colorful, and very basic.
  • Older children, teens, and adults will enjoy this interactive timeline, and this special feature by The Seattle Times is a must-see for anyone who's looking to learn more about Dr. King and his legacy.
Related Links:
MLK events in the Bay area
"Triumph" for foot soldiers of movement
The Moderate Voice

Fun For Kids:
Big Fish Games
PBS Kids

My Kids Mom,
Sara Peters