How can someone like Randy Gage say that there have been more millionaires in Network Marketing than any other industry to date? What is the "magic" here? What is sometimes missing when someone first sees the plan?
It's Leveraged Residual Income!!!!
-What is Residual Income?
The amount of income that an individual has after all personal debts, including the mortgage, have been paid.
In our program, this income is produced by our autoship program.
Linear income is working for a salary and trading hours for dollars. We "rent" our lives to the boss who is paying us "his going or wholesale rate" for those lives. Residual is the opposite of linear. It is income that is made after doing the initial work and setting a process in motion which continues whether you work or not. Our autoship program is used by both our Preferred Customers and our Team Members which amounts to thousands of people worldwide due to our unique, consumable products.
Now... add Leveraged income to the residual. Leverage is obtained because we are paid on every product ordered by the team of customers and the members in our entire team rather than the few people we have shared with. It's a "consumer network". The network spreads geometrically as "word of mouth" or "relationship marketing.
Robert Kiyosaki writes "The rich build networks and everyone else looks for work." This is due to the leverage of a network. J. Paul Getty says "I would rather earn 1% of a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own." If you or your friends are stressed with too many hours and too little pay or too little time, then you are probably a victim of trying to make the budget with 100% of your own effort and no leverage. In CTWT, we leverage our time and our $$'s.
As I've mentioned before... this is not a traditional sales business. It is "direct marketing" which saves you and I the hassles of storing, shipping, writing receipts, and traditional sales. This is "networking". We are moving the greatest products in world through our distribution networks. This business creates more millionaires than any other industry because of teamwork, leverage, and residual income. No other compensation plan I've seen compares with CTWT. And it works!!! It is a fair, level "playing field" where background, gender, education, nationality, GPA, age, and past successes or failures are virtually unimportant.
In 2 to 4 years time, you can either earn income based on a network of 100 or a network of 10,000. We all have that same opportunity. And the good news is...
Everyone in the team may experience the CTWT Difference first hand. Don't ever underestimate the value of the few years you will put into building this style of income. It pays us for years to come!!!
Thanks to my friend Mark Mooney for letting me share his article.
My kids Mom,
Sara Peters